Cerner is recognized as the top-rated inpatient EHR vendor for integrated hospitals and health delivery systems for the second consecutive year in ratings gathered exclusively from departmental clinical, financial, medical, and IT/operational staff members of hospitals, clinics and ancillaries providers. Cerner also was honored with the highest client experience scores in major Academic Medical Center health systems and affiliated providers in 2021, as in 2020.
TAMPA, Fla., April 26, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Black Book Research announced the top results for comprehensive electronic health record information technologies as collected from the input of 3,141 EHR users in large health systems and integrated delivery networks. The annual crowdsourced poll of user experience and client constancy measures organizational satisfaction from the collective user level. Over 38% of all U.S. major health systems and affiliated network hospitals were represented by participants in this year's surveys.
The sweeping 10-month survey included a cross-section of software users comprising IT, finance and business office, clinical and nursing, laboratory, radiology, therapies, pharmacy, emergency, surgical, employed physicians, and operations workforces that have daily experience utilizing their employer's electronic health record system.
Black Book Market Research LLC measures customer satisfaction across 18 EHR-centric, key performance indicators: strategic alignment of client goals; innovation and optimization; training; client relationships and cultural fit; trust, accountability, transparency, and ethics; breadth of offerings, client types, delivery excellence; deployment and implementation; customization; integration, connectivity and interfaces; scalability, client adaptability, flexible pricing; compensation and employee performance; reliability; brand image and marketing communications; marginal value adds and modules; financial and managerial viability; cybersecurity; support and customer care; and best-of-breed technology and process improvement.
Cerner achieved the top ratings in 10 of these 18 key performance indicators in the competitive vendor evaluation for large IDNs. Epic Systems achieved top scores in four of the 18 key performance indicators as did Allscripts receive four top KPI ratings for large IDNs. MEDTECH did not achieve any single key performance indicator top scores in the 2021 collection of peer-reviewed tabulations.
Notably, this is the eighth consecutive year Cerner has achieved top ratings in Interoperability and Connectivity, and for Breadth of Offerings; as well, this is the sixth consecutive year Allscripts ranked top in Trust, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics, and sixth year consecutively Allscripts achieved top scores for Scalability and Flexibility. Epic has maintained an eight-year consecutive honor for the KPI entitled financial stability and managerial viability.
Black Book decrees that every department of the survey-participating hospitals have the opportunity to contribute individual input into the score to most accurately reflect how clinicians, financial staff, nurses, physicians, ancillary units, and operations evaluate the usability and functionalities of their EHR, including the often contrasting opinions of IT staff and management on their implemented healthcare technologies and electronic health records systems.
The survey methodology and full listing of hospital EHR solutions vendor rankings can be found at Black Book's website www.blackbookmarketresearch.com.
About Black Book
Black Book Market Research LLC, its founder, management and staff do not own or hold any financial interest in any of the coding solutions vendors covered and encompassed in the surveys it conducts. Black Book reports the results of the collected satisfaction and client experience rankings in publication and to media before firm notification of rating results and does not solicit survey participation fees, review fees, inclusion or briefing charges, or involve consultant firm collaboration with Black Book before the announcement of the polling outcomes.
In 2009, Black Book began surveying the client experience of healthcare software and managed services users, as well as polling for trend identification, industry insights, and outcomes. Black Book expanded its survey prowess and reputation of independent, unbiased crowd-sourced surveying to technology professionals, physician practice administrators, clinicians, user level staff, financial leaders, executives, and board members. Consultants and advisor satisfaction polls were first issued in 2011. In 2012, Black Book included payer organizations and insurers, and in 2015, launched panel surveying of healthcare consumers.
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For Black Book vendor satisfaction rating methodology, auditing, resources, comprehensive research and ranking data see www.blackbookmarketresearch.com or contact Research@BlackBookMarketResearch.com
Source: Black Book Research